
Laravel Ecommerce CMS How to make your emails go through gmail smtp

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This is a short descriptions how to use gmail smtp to laravel Ecommercecms 0) CREATE A NEW GMAIL ACCOUNT NOT USE YOUR PERSONAL(MEAN DAY BY DAY) 1) Login to your Gmail account using the web browser.2) Go to https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps and Turn On...
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Translate or add new language

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In this post we will talk about translate If your website is in different language than English, and if you will need to edit some words on website than you will need to go to: Admin -> General Setting -> Language After click...
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Cms support any language,  for many language is not 100% translate so you have to translate it by your self. Also Support multiple language to change or add a new language to website you need to go to General settings->Language , ...
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WatCMS Helpers

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Helpers are a quck functions what you can use anywhere in your theme or module it may be caled like function_name($params). Many of helpers you can find in Laravel Documentations.  There is two tipe of helpers simple methods and OOP...
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Add - Edit products

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There is 3 types of products you can sell 1) Simple products - Go to Add new Product and fill the boxes   2) Variable products - Go to Add new Product and fill the boxes you will need also to Add any...
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How to install Ecommercecms

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Installation is easy process and it will not take long. Follow the steps below. 1) Download the zip file  from here 2) Get a hosting, 90% of the hosting have Cpanel. 3) Open Cpanel www.yourwensite.com/cpanel 4) Press on File Manager   5) On the left side...
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