
Short Code

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Watcms Short Code. A shortcode is small code, what you can add it in any part of your page, and in that part it will show something.  Shortcodes can embed files or create objects that would normally require lots of complicated, ugly code in just one line. Shortcode = shortcut.

If you want to use in your code it mean in blade or model or controler use this  {!!@\Wh::shortCode('[anyshortcode]')!!}

for example, insert this in your code in any *.blade.php file

 {!!@\Wh::shortCode('[menulogged loggedin=44 loggedout=53]')!!}

or in controller will looc like this:

\Wh::shortCode('[menulogged loggedin=44 loggedout=53]')



The controler with all short codes is in app/Http/Controllers/ShortCode.php

you can create shortcodes in your Theme or Module


Available shortcodes

1) [form id=2] - Contact form Short code;

Where id - is the id of form you can find this in Pages->Contact Forms

2) [menu id=2]  - Menu Short code;

Where id - is the id id of menu; also support class=topMenu and  align=center 

3) [menulogged loggedin=44 loggedout=53] - it will shou double menu if you want to show a menu when user is logged and user is not login than use it 

4) [cart title=Add to cart id=21 redirect=cart]  - Add to cart Short code; it allow you to add produc to cart by using product ID;

redirect=cart - it's mean after add to cart will redirect to cart Page
redirect=checkout - it's mean after add to cart will redirect to checkout Page

5) [currency] - Switch currency short code

6) [search title=search type=posts] -Search form short code;

title - placeholder; example: title=Search for products
type - posts or products or page; example: type=product

7) [category id=10 limit=8] - It will show last 8 products from this category ;

id=10 - Category ID OR

id=last - it will give the last added products

limit=8 - Limit any number

8) [products id=10,15,12] - Get products where id's products equal 10,15,12 ;

id- products id could be one or many separated by coma

9) [variations id=JhOIysPmfa title=Color ] - if you need to add additional options for your costomers to sort products by color or size or any options

id - id of variation or specification

title - is the title Color or Size or Price range

catid - catid - is the category id; for example if you have on website many different products and want to show
  the variation only for one category and subcategories, that will be the best to add catid 

10) [subcategory] - Get the subcategories of category , it's good for left sidebar

11) [categories title=Product Categories type=product] - Show the list of categories

title  - Categories title, any title

type- Type product or posts or brand

12) [button url=# title=SHOP NOW color=black] - Simple nice button

url - is the link example https://website.com/shop or any link

title - any title

color - white is by default; any english color name like black or yelow or green or orange....

13) [subscribe] - it will show the subscrible form