
Create classified website like olx or gumtree or craigslist

Create classified website like olx or gumtree or craigslist

Single License - $69

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Welcome to our classified ads theme,
Your effortless solution for creating a user-friendly portal, compatible with both desktop and mobile devices. Explore the following detailed list of supported options below.

  • Support Seller profile and people can view his ads

  • Support Chat, people can communicate between them by chat

  • Option to choose when posting ad witch way of communications

  • Option to apply for a job(from admin in categories you have to set this is a job category, you can do it only for parent category)

  • Allow to set the fields for postings ads for each individual categories

  • Option to set the price of posting and/or re posting ad for each individual category, for (example: in category “For Sale” you can set the posting of ads for free, and for category “Services “you can set a cost of 15$ per ads and 5$ for Re posting, you can enter any amount you want. This can be done at any time, lets say first 5 months you want to live free of cost for posting ads and after you want to add a cost)

  • Support Payment like Check, Stripe, Paypal(Paypal and Card)

  • Support control of ads like Approve/Block/Delete/Wiew

  • Option to add multiple categories at once

  • Option to Import categories in 1 click

  • Support Short code

  • Home page can be customisable by page builder

  • People can see all the ads of the user

  • Support chat, people can communicate between them by chat.

  • Control address, can choose what to add like city or metro station or borough or enter manually

  • Support multiple languages

  • Support one ore multiple currency

  • From admin you can set if the new ads need moderation or not when add and edit.

  • Set the view of ads for each individual category.

  • Edit email template

  • Option to Moderate ads like Approve or Reject or Delete ads

  • Options to set bulk categories

  • Options to set bulk Cities, just copy and paste

  • Easy to install

  • Control menu

  • Control ads(Approve, Remove, Hide)

  • Add fields for each category separated when posting ad

  • Change color

  • Change background color

  • Easy to use Page builder

  • SEO friendly

  • Fast Working

  • Always room for new changes

  • Mobile friendly

  • Support modules

  • Programming can be done direct in the theme or module, laravel development Controller Model View

  • The roots can  be add direct in the theme or module

This is a theme for CMS first download the cms and install it on your hosting or vps. Make sure you use PHP >= 8.2 or bigger.


What do you need to run a website

1) Domain name, like websitename.com or .org or  .it  ..

2) Hosting, the space on internet where keep the files, at the moment we can recomend this hosting, if you have experience with VPS than we recomend this one, for Russian market we recomend this one. This is only recommendation, you are free to choose any hosting company you want. We do been on the market for about 11 years and worked with a lots of hosting companies, we found this hosting companies much established then other and with good support.

3) Install the EcommercCMS on your hosting, you can download it from our website it's free how to install the cms check this totorial

4) Get the theme and install it and activate it from cms admin panel from General Settings->Themes, you can do it in few click

5) Add or import your categories from cms admin panel from menu Categories

6) If you want home page to be a custom page than go to General Settings on the bottom you will find: Home Page and select your page

Also we have an option "we will install the demo site on Your server/hosting" you can check it when buy theme and we will do it for you. You can pay by using your credit or depit card for payment we use stripe payment or paypal, if you have any question feel free to contact us on telegram or support page.

Video totorial how to create classifieds ads website



Responsive, Optimized for SEO, Featured Ads, Front End Submissions, Pay Per Post, Multilanguage & much more..

Classifieds ads is an theme for an online space where your visitors can sign up and list their services and items for sale, or a directory where local businesses and attractions can be listed online, this theme has got you covered. The theme is builded on Laravel framework, what give you much security and speed. From the begin you can go on shared hosting but when your website grow more than 800 ads per day you will need to switch to privet server. With this theme you can controll for individual category the fields like color, model, numbers of rooms, type..., also you can setup a price for each category separated for example to post in Jobs category people have to pay a fee what you setup in admin panel also you can control the fee and days for stayng on top of categories or the fee for "Repost" by default the theme accept Paypal and Stripe(Card payment) but you can add your own system.

Also allow you to control the new ads what coming like you can allow to go street a way or moderate them.

With this theme you can stay for long time, for example many people start with some test and after the website grow they find a developer company to build the website using some kind of top framework like laravel or simphony or codeigniter, but with this theme is all ready created in laravel 11.x


Short code:

[category id=12 limit=10] - it will show the last 10 products from the category with id 12

id- ID of category, you can get it from admin panel in Ads->Categories, column ID

limit - the number of products to show from category could be any number

[product id=10,11] -it will show the ads with id 10 and 11 you could many ids you want separated by coma, like id=10,11,12,13,150, ...

id- Ads id, you can get from admin panel in Ads, column ID


[lastproducts limit=10] -it will show the last 10 ads added

limit - limit of ads showing could be any number you need


[menulogged loggedin=28 loggedout=19] - Top menu: allow people to choose menu for example when is logged in show one menu or where is logged out show other menuВерхнее меню: разрешить пользователям выбирать меню, например, когда они вошли в систему, показывают одно меню или где они вышли из системы, показывают другое меню

loggedin- id of menu where you can get from General Settings-> Menu in admin page

loggedout - id of menu where you can get from General Settings-> Menu in admin page


[menu id=49] - Allow to show any menu

id - id of menu where you can get from General Settings-> Menu in admin page



[searchAds title=Cars,Job,Rent fields=categories,location] - Search box

title - enter any title

fields - add multiple fields to the search for example give them option to select Category and Location, accept only 2 option categories or only location  or both 

[currency] - Select currency


[subcategory] - Categories and subcategories used for left or right sidebar


[pricesort] - Allow people to enter the minim and maxim price and show products from this range



[adsoptions] - Show people options for the products like Color, Size, Brand,...



Where to  add this in admin panel



classified advertisement ads theme ads website create wordpress theme